
Shearing Day and Goodbye 2017!

Hello Readers!

Life here is never really occurred to me that having 9 sheep would make for fewer hours in the day to keep up on my blog, spin and knit, or even clean my house (which, to be honest, was never high on my list of priorities, but you know, I should occasionally make an effort!)!!  But I wouldn't have it any other way, and I appreciate all of you continuing to read when I am able to post!

Of Barns and Backsides

Yup.  You read that right.  Barns AND backsides. Stay with me, folks...I haven't totally gone off the deep end...yet!

The BABIES have arrived!

It's true...the Fellowsheep is complete! Rohan, Rosie Cotton, and Radagast the Brown made the journey from Lee's farm to our home, and we are all thrilled beyond belief to have these sweet wee faces in our flock!

As far as the actual transporting, things went pretty smoothly...we actually took a detour to my husband's office so that their receptionist could come out and see them - and we ended up with a couple of other visitors as well! Everyone was fascinated to learn more about Icelandics and sheep, and to see just how cute these little sweethearts are!

The Fellowsheep of the Fleece

A couple of days ago I teased the next blog post with pictures of lambs...well, it's time to announce that BFF is adding three more Icelandic sheep to the flock! I know you're all shocked...SHOCKED, I tell you!!! Okay,'re probably not the least bit surprised as I seem to have this overwhelming desire to add more sheep to my wee flock. But let me explain...really, there's a very good reason for this!!

BFF is IndieMade!

Blaine Fleece and Fiber is pleased to announce that our website will be hosted on IndieMade! After seeing the wonderful shop that Mirkwood Arts set up here, I decided to investigate IndieMade a bit further, and I love what it offers - super easy to get started; works in conjunction with Etsy; and very affordable! I love how intuitive it is to use, and I especially appreciate how easy it is to find answers to questions. So I hope you'll look around, see what all is on the BFF site, and let me know if you have any questions!

(5/13/17) The News at BFF

May 13th, 2017

(2/11/17) January

Dear Readers, there is so much to tell you. I apologize for taking so long to write, but honestly, I've never experienced a month like January before, and it took all of my energy just to continue putting one foot in front of the other, day after day. I hope you'll bear with me as I write about everything - the good and the bad.

(1/1/17) What's Happening at BFF in 2017?

January 1st, 2017

Happy New Year Everyone! I woke up today to snow-covered sheep - we had a winter-weather advisory last night, but it looks like maybe it's over for now...I think the sheep are relieved, and I know I am! But regardless of the weather, I'm ready for a fresh start in 2017, with plenty of goals and plans that I think are achievable this year!

(12/21/16) Yule Wishes from Blaine Fleece and Fiber

December 21st, 2016

Folks, 2016 is almost done. Can I get an AMEN?? As this bizarre year rolls to its inevitable conclusion, I thought about a few things...I thought about apologizing for not being a more consistent blogger this year.  I thought about sharing my physical woes and injuries that occurred in 2016, which have made my fiber business and even typing on the computer a challenge.  As you can see, I sat down to write this post with feelings of remorse, regret, and guilt, and a sense that 2016 just STUNK!

(10/18/16) And Cupcake Makes Five!

October 18th, 2016

I read somewhere that cats are like potato can never stop with just one. As sheep should never be forced to live on their own (flock animals NEED to have other sheep with them), I kind of figured that the same might hold true for our woolly ovine buddies...but didn't realize how easily I could get sucked into the idea of getting "just one more!"

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