

(9/11/16) Rewinding to July!

September 11th, 2016

It is time to do some backtracking and let you all know what's happened over the summer months! I hope that wherever you are, you've had a wonderful summer (or winter for our southern hemisphere friends)! Personally, I am SO ready for autumn...but for now, I have to tell you all about the crazy 13 days of July 22nd-August 3rd!

(8/9/16) BSG, TdF, & a Roving Regatta

August 9th, 2016

I don't know about you, but my summer has absolutely flown by! I'm sure some of this is that as-you-get-older-time-goes-by-faster phenomenon, but seriously...summers NEVER used to pass so quickly for me. I used to spend them holed up inside the air conditioning, praying desperately for autumn! Now it seems like I have more to do than hours in the day to do it, and honestly, that is OKAY! Because it all seems to revolve around the sheep or fiber in some form, so it definitely makes for fun times!

(7/10/16) PHOTO BOMB!

July 10th, 2016

Before I hit you with photos galore, I wanted to give you a quick update from the last post - first off, Mikey is healing up very nicely!  His scrapes and bruises are nearly gone, and he is back to his good old sweet self! As far as yard sheep and rotational grazing go, we're figuring out a really good system that gets them into our two eastern pastures where there is still LOADS to eat, and they LOVE the routine of going out there everyday to see what's for breakfast!

(6/29/16) Still learning...

Imagine Shepherdess Jen, sitting down with her morning cup of coffee, thinking about what to tell you all about this time...a heavy sigh emits from deep within...she takes another drink of coffee...

Have you ever had days where you feel like you ROCK...where you make the right decisions...where everything you touch turns to gold?  Yeah, that's not what I'll be writing about today.

(6/17/16) Not about sheep...

June 17th, 2016

(6/7/16) Tour de Fleece is COMING SOON!

June 7th, 2016

You may be thinking, "She titled her blog post incorrectly...doesn't she mean Tour de France????" Of course, Tour de France is coming up, and there is much excitement in the air already for the famous race that will be happening for the 103rd time this year! But from a spinner's point of view, it's the coinciding spinning event, the Tour de Fleece, that has me the most excited!

(5/26/16) FOs with a small side of What's OTN&W!

May 26th, 2016

OY!  Another month nearly gone...BUT I do have a few FOs to share this time around...and, of course, pictures of the Trio!!!

My favorite finished object at this point is...drum roll, Icelandic sweater!!!!! To quote Monty Python, there was much rejoicing...and sharing of pictures on Ravelry, Instagram, and Facebook! This was my first stranded colorwork sweater and my first experience with steeking, and both went just swimmingly!

(5/3/16) Laughter is the Best Medicine

May 3rd, 2016

I've been pondering various topics for this post, and I keep going back to the funny things that happen around here involving the Trio...then I wonder if I will be able to adequately write about these occurrences to where it's funny for my readers. Sometimes you just "had to be there," you know? Well, what's life without a little risk, am I right? So let me share a few of the funnier tales from Blaine Fleece & Fiber!

(4/15/16) BFF is One-Year-Old Today!

April 15th, 2016

One year ago today, Blaine Fleece & Fiber was born - Black Velvet, Mikey, and Panda Bear were sheared at Lee's place, then brought home to Blaine Road and their new family!

(4/9/16) What's OTN&W for April?

April 9th, 2016

Well, we all know that March got away from me, so now that it's been 2 months since my first What's On the Needles and Wheels post, I actually have lots of progress and new projects to share!

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