Buy a Bag of Cookies for The Fellowsheep

Buy a Bag of Cookies for The Fellowsheep

Only 193 left in stock


One of the Fellowsheep's favorite treats are animal crackers - they don't get a lot of them, but it's a wonderful way to reward them when they come in from grazing, or to celebrate a birthday (yep, we celebrate sheep birthdays around here)! We even let farm visitors feed them to the Woolly Depots!

As with Buy a Bale of Hay for the Fellowsheep, this gives you the opportunity to participate in helping to care for these wonderful animals!

On behalf of myself, my 2-footed family, and the Fellowsheep of the Fleece, thank you. Thank you for caring about these critters and enjoying my stories about them. And thank you for wanting to help care for them, virtually!!